Wednesday, November 21, 2007

More Mariella magnificence

Mariella Frostrup: if you're not already a devotee, read this piece from last Sunday's Observer. Oooh, she's sooo cool!


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I too am a fan of Mariella Frostrup, which is probably why I enjoy reading your Venue columns so much, for there most definitely is a similarity. However, with this particular piece, I feel that Mariella could have shown a little more sympathy to the man - granted, a sad, misguided man - who has found himself in this position. I wonder if Mariella has allowed justifiable anger to override dealing with the sadness of the original letter in question? I would have queried whether a big age difference might be causing the problem, or is he is perhaps fighting violent urges that need addressing?

I'd be interested to know what you think, in this light.

Thank you for your blog. I too found it via the Guardian blogroll, but actually think you should be writing in the newspaper itself.

Melissa said...

Hi Louise, and thanks for your comments (and huge compliment!).

Whilst I'm all for considering any given situation between couples from both sides, the man who'd written to Mariella had, I feel, made his side perfectly clear. He didn't mention age difference or violent urges (although, like you, I suspect both are involved); instead, he rambled on, in classic misogynistic style, about how he should 'deal' with his partner's past. I wasn't that surprised by his letter - double standards still prevail - but still, it made me angry. But I don't think I've allowed that anger to cloud my judgment on a man who is clearly insecure, jealous and downright ridiculous. Yes, there is much sadness in between the lines too, but I feel that sadness is entirely of his own making. And he shouldn't have been reading her diary anyway.

Do by all means keep the debate going!

Anonymous said...

A very interesting link - I was not previously familiar with Mariella Frostrup and find her work in fact very similar to yours. I think you have an ability to be much 'warmer' though, and definitely more astute when it comes to describing human emotion. I wonder though if that letter was actually a real problem - the man who poses the problem seems to be too much of a caricature to be real.

Tell Mike I am sorry about England's performance, but I hope he enjoyed the casserole. Can we have more diary entries please? And when is your next Venue column?

Anonymous said...

While I always enjoy reading Mariella, I don't really think that this particular problem is worth any more attention (unless you're needing a laff). The bloke in question is obviously a wretched late middle-ager with a teensy little wotsit and not much of a 'past' himself. Don't give him any more time! I'd rather read the Animal Disco diaries.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Arabella (above). More diary now please!

Melissa said...

Thanks to all of you for your feedback - it's really nice to know who's actually reading. My sitemeter tells me I'm picking up a fairly healthy flow of traffic, but goodness, they're a quiet lot!

Elizabeth: the Venue columns/pieces appear on a fairly regular basis. I'm not quite sure when my next 'Get Me Started' rant is, but I'll let you know when it's coming up. And your comments regarding the Mariella/Melissa comparison were very nice, thank you.

I'll be posting another 'diary' entry later on - there's much to fill you in on; a trip to a Thai restaurant, a night out with Harold Pinter, a lovely dog ('Bella') having a sleepover party at my house and a trip to a Flamenco Fiesta being just a handful of highlights. Yup, life moves on swiftly at the Animal Disco! For now, have a happy Sunday, and please do drop by again sometime soon.