Monday, December 24, 2007

A Christmas gift for you from the Animal Disco

The season of goodwill is officially upon us. So, in keeping with tradition, I have a very special gift I'd like to share with you all. Have yourselves a very merry little Christmas indeed! 


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! I have never seen this video in full before, only clips of it. Now this is what I call a Christmas gift! Thanks, Animal, for this and for crashing the party this year. Oh and thanks also for the extra book review! Your thoughts on Coupland are to my mind spot on. You are the kind of party that blogging was created for. Happy Holidays !

Anonymous said...

Hey Mel,
Merry Christmas wherever you are. I came to the disco a while ago but never ever told you that I love your writing - all those years and I never knew what happened when you put that big camp pink fluffy pen to paper. Aaah.
So, I caught up with some of your posts today and thought I'd say hello.
Lyn x

Melissa said...

Lyn! How fab to see you here. I'm blushing now (fortunately, that'd be a rather fetching camp shade of pink). Thank you for your lovely comment. Will talk to you more about all this and more when I see you in the next couple of days! Happy Christmas and big fluffy lurve to you and yours xxx