I should be feeling all fresh and inspired and bouncy. The weather’s hardly gorgeous (sorry for starting every ‘personal post’ with a weather report, but hey, I’m English), but the pain in the neck has subsided and there’s a fabulous rocket’n’nicestuff salad for lunch. I haven’t been hungover for days, and last night I caught up with the lovely Lady A – read an example of her work here; she’s one of the bestest, coolest, cleverest, funniest and prettiest women in the whole wide world (okay, so we had to sit through a bum-numbing performance of ‘She Stoops to Conquer’ before we earned ourselves a glass of Chardonnay each, but it was worth it). The ‘quirky’ thing at the Ustinov on Saturday turned out to be one of the most fabulous performances I’ve ever seen (‘Wish I Had a Sylvia Plath’ – look out for my review here as soon as tomorrow’s issue of Venue is old news), and I spent Sunday evening getting all girly and maudlin over a top-notch rom-com (predictable plot, unlikely outcome – who cares? Debra Messing rules). AND I’m off to Liverpool for the weekend on Friday – yaaaay! But the bleeeeurgh mood is still hanging around. So …
… if anybody has some Top Tips for chasing a bout of totally unreasonable blues away, I’d love to hear them. In fact, why don’t you brighten up my day even if you haven’t got any advice; loads of people drop by here, but few leave their pawprints. Come on, ladies and gentlemen – introduce yourselves! I may bark occasionally, but I promise I don’t bite; you can even remain anonymous, if you so wish. Whaddya waiting for? Cheer. Me. Up.
Things that make me go to 'woo!':
1. Your lovely comments - keep 'em coming!
2. The Berocca advert on the TV (Blancmange/'Living on the Ceiling' - ah, the memories!)
3. A circus has arrived in the park!
Things can only get better? They already have ...
Hello! Cheer up - we love you!
Hello from also-not-very-sunny Richmond, Ontario. I love visiting The Disco but I tend not to comment because you've already said everything so well! My mood-enhancing tip is apple and cinnamon cake with a glass of lemonade. I hope it works for you too!
Here we go - Lady (Muck) Sings the Blues. Pass me a tissue - the giggles are streaming down my face.
Get over yourself, M! You KNOW how fab you are, we know how fab we know you are, and we all know what sulking does do the frown lines - stop indulging both them and yourself.
Miiiiiaaaaowzah!!!! And mwah mwah mwah x x x
A picnic lunch in Victoria Park next week (yes, I'll bring Toby!). A glass of vino at GP? Heck, have my Jolly's vouchers! Whatever it takes to get AD back on the dancefloor.
Seeing as I've taken the trouble of following orders, please may I claim a bite?
Great blog. Now stop whingeing! You seem to get the very most of your life, and give rather a lot back in the process. Keep on giving.
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