If anybody’s given the time or effort to wondering where I’ve been lately, here’s the lowdown. Over the past two weeks (give or take the odd moment where I dropped in to ramble about an early moment of youthful rebellion concerning a hot dog), I have been mostly:
Working on The Great New Romantic Novel; experimenting with the joys of rose harissa paste; promising that I’m going to start making my own bread (but not my bed); experiencing huge, sulky mood swings and inflicting them on everybody around me; trying to buy a new PC; having my hair done by a fab new hairdresser (who claims to be ‘Bath’s best kept secret’, and says that if it wasn’t for him, Gok Kwan would be a big fat nobody today - how camp is that?); reviewing various eateries; interviewing Raymond Blanc; getting all wistful and then very angry about major events and people from the past; suffering from a very sore throat; trying to kidnap a dog; allowing the kitchen table to almost disappear beneath a stack of domestic detritus; re-appreciating Erasure’s Greatest Hits; living it up with the GP crew; telling Medad to eff off and then running along the street after him to apologise (part of the sulky mood swings, I guess); loving and hating myself and everybody around me in equal measure (ditto) ... and getting all excited about the forthcoming Liverpool trip, which probably starts tomorrow (at last - Dollface and the Animal Disco will be reunited!).
I could have dropped by here and written about all or any of that stuff on a daily basis, but I kinda lost my mojo for a moment (oh okay, two weeks). But the sun came out, the mood clouds lifted and here I am.
To the regulars who left comments and asked after my wellbeing, I’m very sorry that your words didn’t get posted here - my PC has finally given up the ghost (which is why I’m attempting to buy a new one), and I stupidly deleted a whole raft of comments when trying to get to grips with using a Mac (Mike’s, on the kitchen table alongside the detritus). Isn’t it funny how Dollface’s comment got through though? I’ll be discussing this - and much more - with her tomorrow ... and when I’m back, I will of course update you. Have a wonderful weekend yourselves (yes, I’m already wishing you that, even though I’m writing this on a Wednesday). And if your mood swings are getting you down, take it from one who knows: there’s not much that a lamb chop smeared in rose harissa paste and then slammed under the grill can solve (oh for goodness sake - of course I’m not living on falafel!).
***Massive Major Update!!!***
Alert, alert! Click on the Dollface link above, and check out the video she's posted. Memories are indeed made of this (for a certain group of people, anyway). But be warned: blink and you'll miss us ...
***... And Another One!!!***
Now go here - it's just really good fun (though I say it meself ...).
Blimey, you make Kerry Katona look lazy. She's my benchmark for people who achieve more in a week that most people do in five years.
Stop trying to kidnap dogs. having spent ten days with a mad dog woman who is not the friend I signed up for I don't need two of you at it...
I wanna be in your gang, your gang, your gang - I wanna be in your gang - woooah yeah!!!
Enjoy the Capital of Culture, Edge of Reason, whatever it is Liverpool calls itself these days. And please don't stay away too long!
Lurvin' the mood swing thang too ...
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