The time is long overdue, methinks, for a little catch up. I have to admit that my last few posts have been previously published in Venue; I don't really like using this blog as a recycling facility, but needs must when the devil drives (the devil in this instance being the usual deadlines). But today is Friday; the deadlines are still nipping at my heels, but far less voraciously than in recent days. So here I am, all mellowed out by going to see the movie version of 'Mamma Mia'' last night and not much on the near horizon until 2pm, when I'm meeting Medad in town and going off on a real ale tasting session and a tour of the Bath Ales brewery. I have coffee at my side and slightly fuzzy hangover tickling my forehead under my hair; really, where better a place to hangout than right here?
Before I go on (and lord knows, I do go on ...), I'd like to extend a very warm welcome - to both this little corner of the internet and, actually, the World Wide Web as a whole - to my lovely friend Molly Mudd. Lady Mudd is one of the most gorgeous, unique individuals I've ever met. I can't tell you where or how I met her because I know she's a bit worried about what happens to information thrown out into the electronic ether, but what I can say is this: I love you, Moll! You're funny, fascinating and fabulous - so there.
And hello too to another newbie on the scene (well, the blogging scene, anyway - the writer in question here is an old carthorse who's been promoting himself to a worldwide audience since time immemorial) (or at least, since we were 12 years old). Chill out with The Iceman himself at his new blog; if you like what you read, encourage him to keep on scribbling. Talking of bloggers, what, I wonder, has happened to KirkbyGirl? She must be so enamoured with the vision of herself in her new bikini that she can't drag herself away from the mirror ...
Anyway, enough of that. Next up, I urge you to completely ignore what the dour faced, sour puss film critics tell you: 'Mamma Mia!' is fabulous. It's camp (VERY camp), sexy (if you like young, lithe boys), funny, silly and gorgeous to look at. Medad took me to see it, and even he came out (almost) dancing (I, for some reason, spent every single second of the whole shebang in tears! Talk about over-emotional ...). "I never understood what people meant when they call a film 'feelgood'", he said later, despite the fact that my mascara was streaming in rivulets down my cheeks. "But I do now - I feel good. If that was a girly film, I want to be a girl". If 'MM!' can do that much Medad, it can certainly do it for you. Afterwards, we went for an over-expensive Chinese meal that was way below even so-so had it been half the price, and then we went and sat on the pavement outside the Garrick's Head, where I flirted outrageously with Nigel 'The Bounder' Havers until Mike came and joined us, then he and Medad got gently wasted on Guinness with a Port lid. Some longs hours later, I went to sleep wishing life could be like 'Mamma Mia!' all the time.
There! Does all that qualify as a catch up? I believe it does. Have a wonderful weekend, y'all! Before you go, leave me a little comment so I know you've been here? I always love hearing from you. Off I go now to placate the deadline-drivers ...
1 comment:
I completely agree with you about Mamma Mia. What a lovely film - to me, like films used to be before everybody started only wanting to watch sex and violence. Tell your Medad (so funny!) that I'll go and see it all over again with him should he so wish. If Molly Mudd is available she could come along too - she sounds fascinating!
Have a very happy weekend yourself. I've done the Bath Ales tour - it's fascinating, but they couldn't convince me away from Chardonnay!
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