Monday, December 22, 2008

Not just for Christmas

And so it came to pass that the family came to visit (which was wonderful) and Doc (Marc Crewe - Venue's Food and Drink editor) died in his sleep while they were here. Swings and roundabouts, eh? No, not really - I am of course being inappropriately flippant. By the time we set off for Luxembourg on Wednesday morning (at least, I think it was last Wednesday), I was seriously wondering how much emotion a girl can take. 

I love my family so much it hurts -  a realisation that may or may not have been exacerbated by all the shite I've recently put them through, now long since healed and passed. I also very much loved Doc: he was - in his own, very unique way - a truly original, inspirational friend, and a brilliant writer too. I am of course writing a mini obituary any moment now - just as soon as I can get my head around the fact that I'll be writing in the past tense about someone who was such a huge presence in my life. I've also - somewhere in a stack of notebooks - already written loads about Luxembourg, Baden Baden and Worms - yes, there is a place called Worms! - and being reunited with the soldier boy in the family...and all that came with that. I would spew forth and share...if time allowed me such a luxury. But today, I'll be busy dragging my sorry ass around town (now there's a unique take on the traditional manger scene) and finishing off the Christmas shopping. 

All in all, I guess life goes on, and those you really love and miss are carried around in your heart forever. Sentimental, moi? N'est ce pas.


kerstin said...

Hi Melissa,
happy solstice, saturnalia, yule or x mass....

Melissa said...

Many thanks, and the very same to you, ML! Let's make it a resolution to get together in the New Year. Cheers!


Cris said...

Hey Melissa

Cris here, I just found your blog and I love it. I am, too, unbelieveing and unbeliveably sad about the death of Doc. He gave me my first commission, when I was 14 and never stopped encouraging me. He taught me how to bang out copy (but not to spell - that was his job)and made me laugh and gasp frequently and often at the same time. Have a happy Christmas and we'll raise a glass to the big man on the 30th. Much love cxx

Melissa said...

Ah, Cris - how wonderful to see you here! It may sound odd under the circumstances, but I really look forward to seeing you on the 30th. Meanwhile, peace and love to you and yours.
