The turkey carcass is rotting in the fridge, the tree looks all forlorn and everybody is 16 stone heavier than they were this time last month: another year over, a new one just begun. But before we start looking forward and moving on, I'd like to commit the highlights (and otherwise) of Christmas/New Year 2008 to the Animal Disco archives. So, in no particular order, the winners are:
Best pre-Christmas shebang: Mum, sister and old family friend coming to visit before Mike and I went off to Luxembourg Germany - it was one of the most exhausting weeks of my life, but also one of the best. If only I hadn't got so drunk and misbehaved so badly in Baden Baden - yuk, that particular incident wins the award for Most Regretted Bad Behaviour of the Year. But I'm not giving it a paragraph category all of it's own because I'm so embarrassed about it. Aaargh!
Best Surprisingly Lovely Company throughout the whole Festive Season: Medad! No grumbles, no awkward moments, no fuss - just him, in all his entirely eccentric glory (that's him in one of the photos, with chip horns on his head - see what I mean?).
Best Pressie: Carlos - the 7 year old South American child that Mike 'adopted' for me. Oh, and six books about dogs, Paul O'Grady's autobiography and a pair of purple leather gloves. And a fabulous faux fur jacket. And posh mascara. Spoilt, moi?
Best Slow-Burning Emotional Event: falling in love with my boyfriend not necessarily all over again, but possibly even for the first time. I guess I'm a slow learner.
Best Part of Christmas Dinner: everybody else doing the dishes and cleaning up while I had a water pistol fight with Medad.
Best Day of the Whole Season: Boxing Day, a trip to Norton St Philip and Casanova on TV in the evening - peace, perfect peace...and a dinner of leftovers that turned out to be nicer than the main event dinner the day before. Then I went to bed all excited about the trip up to Liverpool the following day, which was fab too.
Saddest Moment: Tom walking in to the Garrick's Head and telling me that Doc had passed away...
Most missed: ...Doc.
So - how was it for you?
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