Wow, I can’t believe I haven’t posted here since Hot Leg! That all feels like ages ago now (probably because it is). I also can’t believe that the very lovely Animal Disco fan who emailed me (nb. she could have posted a comment, y’know – hint hint) to ask where I’d disappeared to believed me when I said I’d taken to my bed having been struck down by a serious bout of existential angst. Thanks for virtual chocolates, Helena (yes, such things do exist, and very virtually tasty they are too) but I was, I fear, merely being ridiculous. Existential angst? Far from it! Caught up in the world of updating Venue’s Eating Out West guide, more like. And in between times: making a holy show of myself in the little pub next to the Theatre Royal (Ricky Gervais: I don’t really want your puppies) and getting unhealthily addicted to TV shows such as Paris Hilton’s New British Best Friend (I knew Sam would win), Heston’s various hysterical, historical feasts and the gloriously glamorous ‘Dirty Sexy Money’ (which is swiftly overtaking ‘Desperate Housewives’ as my favourite time-wasting activity). I also watched the More4 ‘True Stories’ documentary ‘Tears, Tantrums and Tiaras’ an unhealthy amount of times, justifying my aforementioned ridiculousness by calling it research for my new summer look. But don’t switch off here! I’m honestly not one of those bloggers who consider sharing what I’ve watched on TV worthy of a stand-alone post. But then again, sharing what I’ve been reading is hardly uplifting either (unless you are – or have ever been – an Adam and the Ants/Stuart Goddard fan).
Aaaaanyway: after a brief moment when the sun came out last week, the weather has gone rubbish again, my agent is seriously on my case re missed deadlines for future projects and I’ve been spending a vast amount of TV/computer-free time in the kitchen, making cupcakes and Easter Biscuits and lots of variations on the cannellini/butter/kidney bean mash theme. Potatoes? Who needs ‘em! I’ve also been rekindling my relationship with Dim Sum, thanks to a special request by friends who are coming to dine at the Animal Disco Bistro (special invitation only) next weekend. Did you know that if you take fresh lasagne sheets and roll them out really thinly, they can be used as dumpling casings? I fill mine with minced pork, prawn and spring onions then steam them for around 7 minutes (not 6, not 9 – 7, y’hear?) and they turn out gorgeous (you need to provide dipping sauce, though). This weekend I intend to perfect a filling for duck gyoza (okay, I know that’s Japanese, so not strictly trad Dim Sum) and fiddle with spring rolls that don’t need deep frying. Hoorah! I’m also going to GP’s Cheese and Wine Event this evening, out with girls tomorrow (Minibar, here we come!) and acting as roadie/project manager for a friend who has just brought a new house. What’s that I hear you say, oh dearest agent? Yes, I’m getting on with it now! Honestly I am! Just as soon as I’ve watched TT&T again so I’m sure to perfect the perfect makeup/updo combo later on. In keeping with the theme, I even intend to wear the Lily Savage-style silver wedges that I found lurking in the Barratt’s closing down sale for a fiver! As a good friend of mine once said, certain items are vastly reduced in the sales for good reason - ie, they’re either tasteless, unwearable or slutty. Such are the three main reasons I love my new shoes.
Existential angst? No, not I…
Animal Disco Bistro, got a ring to it.
When can I come?
Just as soon as I get around to actually having that much-waited-for chat with you, ML! then we can arrange it. Although I have to say, I'd find you pretty daunting to cook for. Think I'll make the trip in that direction first, and try and blend into the wallpaper!
M x
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