Good Friday has rolled around again and, true to British Bank Holiday form, the weather is spectacularly dull (if that’s not too much of an oxymoron to digest). As I write, rain is splattering softly across the windows; good job, then, that there aren’t any alfresco plans in the pipeline - nor were there any in the recent past. Having had a work trip to Birmingham cancelled (thank goodness for that! I wasn't in the mood for travelling, especially not to Birmingham), the furthest I’ve ventured since last Tuesday night (River Cottage Canteen launch at Komedia, followed by a stunning production of The Tempest at the Theatre Royal, followed by a rather jolly nightcap at GP - hoorah!) has been to the local shops. But at this time of the year, they’re a treatful trip in their own right, especially for those who dream of what to cook for tomorrow’s dinner.
T’other day, I brought an armload of sprightly green leeks and a perfectly formed, creamy cauliflower at my local greengrocery for less than a quid. While the florets were steaming, I made a leek and English mustard sauce, combined it with a huge handful of Keen’s Cheddar (gorgeous! Buy some! Now!) and topped it with wholemeal breadcrumbs before slamming it into the oven for half an hour. Those who have forgotten the simple delights of cauliflower cheese should reunite themselves with this comforting old friend forthwith. We ate ours with torn-off chunks (the Animal Disco Bistro doesn’t pertain to be a fine dining establishment) from a free range organic chicken - an Easter gift from my butcher, no less! - which I prepared really simply by just shoving a few chunks of onion and lemon up its bum, splashing a bit of olive oil and salt on the breast and resting it on a few sprigs of fresh sage before roasting. That was on Tuesday; we’re still having chicken sarnies for lunch three days later. This morning I made a light smoked cod chowder (light because I left both potatoes and cream out) which, now cooked but off the heat, will be perfectly settled by suppertime, and on Sunday I’m going to roast a whole leg of spring lamb with a rosemary, garlic, fresh mint and lemon zest infusion-thingie, lemon and sage stuffing and fresh redcurrant sauce. I’m going to team it with garlicky dauphinoise potatoes - slowly cooked until the spuds reach melting point - and rustle up a lemon tart for afters; if that’s not the perfect Easter Sunday lunch, I don’t know what is.
If I don’t see you between now and the Big Day itself, may the Easter Bunny bring all your heart desires (and your tastebuds crave) to your doorstep. And enjoy that cauliflower cheese...
Happy Easter
Same to you, ML! And I hope the Underground Restaurant goes fabulously, deliciously well this evening. Wish I was there, but see you soon!
M x
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