I’m existing in that weird halfway zone that exists between feeling well again but still a bit sick around the edges. As a result, I keep getting bursts of energy and inspiration, only to find myself feeling as though I’ve just gone a round with one of those boxing kangaroos that David Lynch is so found of randomly dropping into the background of any scenes that involve a lover’s tiff if I do much more than manage to remain horizontal for more than 20 minutes a time.
So, this morning, I used up my energy allocation thus:
A trip to the Co-op, made all the more worthwhile for the following conversation I eavesdropped while waiting in the queue at the till:
Yummy Mummy One to Yummy Mummy Two (exasperated): “…but then again, she’s the sort of person that dries all her clothes in the tumble dryer”
YM2: (aghast) “Oh god, really? How dreadful”.
Now what are we to make of that exchange? After much consideration, I decided to go with either (a) that the person they were talking about doesn’t have a garden in which to dry her clothes, or (b) doesn’t own any garments made of silk or cashmere. Either way, the YMs were typically ‘Bath’ and the person they were talking about could have been me.
Aaanyway: at the Co-op, I bought digestive biscuits, butter, condensed milk, eggs and lemons, all of which have now been made into a glossy lemon tart which we’ll tuck in to after the vegetarian lasagne we’re having for supper this evening (‘we’ referring to my best friend, his parents and Mike and I). I made the lasagne last week when I was under pressure to use up the contents of the veg box before the next delivery came, so now it’s in the freezer pretending to be a ready meal. The lemon tart takes 20 minutes to throw together and 20 minutes to bake; I used the ‘baking’ part of the process to watch a re-run of last night’s thrilling episode of ‘Katie and Peter: Stateside’ (and yes, I am indeed disgusted at myself for loving this programme so much…and not in an ‘ironic’ way either). This afternoon, I’m going to use another of my 20-minute energy bursts to wash my filthy hair, then spend the rest of the time rediscovering the joys of World Party’s 1990 album ‘Goodbye Jumbo’ in between bouts of yet more filthy daytime TV.
Lordy, I can’t wait to re-join the human race.
Okay, so I put a packet of digestive biscuits, six eggs, some butter, a can of condensed milk and a dozen lemons into the oven for twenty minutes. Then my cooker explodes, a kangaroo starts boxing in the corner and my cashmere jumper shrinks in the tumble dryer, while Bye Bye Big Elephant croons in the background. But help, I've got Andre and Kate coming for dinner in 20 minutes! I think I'll have a lie-down.
"I was under pressure to use up the contents of the veg box before the next delivery came".
I bet you never wash your cashmere in a tumble dryer, either.
That's as maybe, "anonymous" (above). But I always, always put my name to a bitchy comment.
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