Holy Moly! She posts nothing new for weeks, then she goes and shares this! Okay, the film itself ('Father's Day') ain't exactly a cheery start to the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, but oooh, it sent shivers down my spine; may it do the same for yours.
If you want another example of brilliant inspiration from my home town (and yes, I'm proud to admit it: my mates), then go here.' I Never Went to Eric's' and 'Brian' are my personal favourites; I'd be interested to know which ones float your boat.
So what about something groovy from the Animal Disco? Well, I went for a curry with 22 people last night - totally unplanned, no particular reason other than the fact that we just wanted to do it - and it was a very jolly evening indeed. Okay, there isn't usually a group of 22 people hanging around at a loose end on a Monday evening; there'd been a staff meeting/wine tasting at GP, and the invasion of the Boojon (sorry, this lovely little bring-your-own curry bistro doesn't have a link, but I think I might have posted a review here aaages ago) just seemed to be the natural direction in which to take the rest of the evening. Oh, and I forgot to mention in my last little catch-up post that I went to see George Michael at Earls Court a week last Sunday, and he was a bit good but not as camp as I was hoping.
So, seeing as I don't have a really cool piece of My Space/YouTube all of my own, I'm going to borrow one of George's and leave you with that instead (ah, swinging on someone else's coat tails - that's the way to do it!).
This song actually means a big, big lot to me, to the point where it ends up reducing me to tears, sending mascara skidding down my face, every time I hear it. There: if George can't be camp all on his own, I've done it for him.
Ciao, gang! See you at the premiere (someone else's, that is; not mine) ...
Ever thought of turning your whole life into one long Reality TV show? Oh please please pleeeeeease!
Only you could find 22 people to go for a curry on a Monday night. Well done. Please move back home.
Do you take vitamin B supplements? If not, where is energy from?
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