PR people call them press trips, others call them junkets - some even call them work. I, however, call it a great day out: I'm off to see 'We Will Rock You' at London's Dominion theatre, before which I get to interview Arlene Phillips, Ben Elton and ... OHMYGOD, BRIAN MAY! Okay, so I'll be just one of a group worshipping at the feet of the world's greatest rock guitarist, but so what? It's the closest to Freddie I'll ever get, and I fully intend to make full use of the experience. And after all that, I get to lay my weary bones at one of the poshest hotels in London - really, what's not to like? Well, the nerves that are currently turning my skeleton and everything it holds together to jelly for one thing. The fact that I'll miss the second part of 'Lost in Austen' on TV for another. Oh lordy, what's wrong with me? If life is a cabaret, I'm about to take to the stage (albeit clinging onto someone else's coat tails yet again).
Anyhoo, I'm I'm fully aware that not everybody shares my Queen fixation. So when I come back, I'll not only have the forthcoming trip to fill you in on - I'll also be going on and on about my mixed feelings towards Vanessa Redgrave in 'The Year of Magical Thinking', the renovation of The Bear (pub) up the road from my house AND a funny story about Jamie Oliver to share. If, that is, the world doesn't implode on itself first; now that'd be a guitar solo we'd never forget ...
Did Jamie attempt to throw a glass of wine over you?!!! x x x
Ha ha ha, Molly! But if he did, I wouldn't tell you, would I???
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