Saturday, November 29, 2008

Also in yesterday's Grauniad...

Yesterday Part 2:


21 May-20 Jun

'Keep calm and carry on' - the government's advice to the citizenry during the war - makes a good fit for a 'scope in which warrior Mars is keen to pick a scrap. Before you respond, make sure you're not outgunned. Practical affairs offer more promise, especially since, against all odds, your missing bingo number looks set to get called.

Missing bingo number? I reckon it's still hidden in the rubble...


Anonymous said...

Darling, you didn't do anything wrong. It's an excellent piece. I'm sorry if your family are hurt, but I know you and your mum - and, most importantly, so do you. The dust will settle, and only good can come of this, you'll see. Now stop beating yourself up and come over for Sunday dinner!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Tanya. I know how you feel about your mum, and I can also see how hurt she may be feeling; I was there at the time, remember, and I feel as though the piece hasn't quite told the whole story in terms of what led up to it - and, more importantly, what happened later. Despite what we read, I KNOW your family and have often wished that I was a proper part of it rather than just a hanger on, despite anything that may have happened.

I'm sending peace and love to all concerned. Please try to absorb it.

Melissa said...

Thanks loads, both - and the others who have commented, only to be subject to my ridiculously shaky fingers...I'm really, really sorry, but I seem to have lost six comments. Please could you resend, if you can be bothered? They really matter to me. And Marmite Lover, please resend me your email address; I wrote to you just now, but it bounced back. I think I need a sherry!