No really, I did! Those deadlines are tripping me up again ... and okay, I have to admit it: a slight hangover is having its wicked way with me, too. But oh what fun I've had/am having while the pressure is on! Details will duly be revealed as soon as my time is my own again (and the red wine is out of my system). For now, here's a little itty bitty something that was originally intended for the Valentine's Day issue of Venue but has since been deleted from the page plan. As the wise folk always say, waste not, want not - and seeing as February 14th is fast approaching, somebody out there might find the following pearls of wisdom come in very handy indeed.
You're about to say I Love You. Or are you? DO NOT commit to those Three Little Words if you’re:
- Feeling guilty and looking for a fast-track to forgiveness
- So drunk you’re likely to vomit before you get to the word ‘you’
- Not sure of the person’s name/telephone number
- Being put up to it by your mates
- Trying to put a cat among the pigeons of an existing relationship
- Feeling bullied into thinking it’s the right thing to do
- In the habit of using your ex-partner’s name at key moments in your new relationship
- Calling a Premium Rate number
- Being interviewed for a job/talking to your boss
- Playing a game of emotional blackmail
- Merely trying to talk your way into somebody's pants
- Lying
But DO go right ahead and say it when:
- You really mean it. When the time is right, you'll just know ...
I'm ashamed to say that I found this guide so useful that I'm going to use the 'anonymous' option when leaving this message here. Please post those other 'details' soon though please! I lurve it when the Disco gets up close and personola.
A highly amusing post with more than a hint of solid wisdom in amongst the funnies. I've already emailed the page around the campus- if it makes the student mag blogroll again, I will of course let you know. And by the way: I want your social life!
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