Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Attention! Attention!

Holy Moly! She posts nothing new for weeks, then she goes and shares this! Okay, the film itself ('Father's Day') ain't exactly a cheery start to the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, but oooh, it sent shivers down my spine; may it do the same for yours.

If you want another example of brilliant inspiration from my home town (and yes, I'm proud to admit it: my mates), then go here.' I Never Went to Eric's' and 'Brian' are my personal favourites; I'd be interested to know which ones float your boat.

So what about something groovy from the Animal Disco? Well, I went for a curry with 22 people last night - totally unplanned, no particular reason other than the fact that we just wanted to do it - and it was a very jolly evening indeed. Okay, there isn't usually a group of 22 people hanging around at a loose end on a Monday evening; there'd been a staff meeting/wine tasting at GP, and the invasion of the Boojon (sorry, this lovely little bring-your-own curry bistro doesn't have a link, but I think I might have posted a review here aaages ago) just seemed to be the natural direction in which to take the rest of the evening. Oh, and I forgot to mention in my last little catch-up post that I went to see George Michael at Earls Court a week last Sunday, and he was a bit good but not as camp as I was hoping.

So, seeing as I don't have a really cool piece of My Space/YouTube all of my own, I'm going to borrow one of George's and leave you with that instead (ah, swinging on someone else's coat tails - that's the way to do it!).

This song actually means a big, big lot to me, to the point where it ends up reducing me to tears, sending mascara skidding down my face, every time I hear it. There: if George can't be camp all on his own, I've done it for him.

Ciao, gang! See you at the premiere (someone else's, that is; not mine) ...


Anonymous said...

Ever thought of turning your whole life into one long Reality TV show? Oh please please pleeeeeease!

Dollface said...

Only you could find 22 people to go for a curry on a Monday night. Well done. Please move back home.


Anonymous said...

Do you take vitamin B supplements? If not, where is energy from?