When I looked out of my kitchen window this morning, the rooftops were covered in a shimmering frost that made everything look as though it had been kissed by a passing fairy - or the spirit of Marc Bolan, after a particularly sweaty gig. Gorgeous! The sky is now white with the promise of snow (although it never really, properly snows in Bath), and work is slow; there's much to do, but nothing I feel quite up to getting my teeth into yet. Ah, well; at least I gave my teeth (and my big gob) some exercise last night.
Stephen, Geraldine, Mike and I went for supper in the country at the lovely King's Arms in Monkton Farleigh, a chunky, heartwarming pub/restaurant in picture postcard surroundings. It was, I guess, our New Year treat, seeing as I wasn't up to anything more than feeling sorry for myself on NYE itself, and S&G are off globetrotting tomorrow. So, we swapped city life (hah!) for pastoral perfection, and indulged in a little bit of eating, drinking and being merry. And very nice it was too! Really, fish and chips don't get much better than this (except, perhaps, if they're eaten out of a damp bag on an empty, wintery beach somewhere up north), and according to Mike, the sticky toffee pudding is the Ultimate Best Ever in the History of the World (note to self: start perfecting own recipe right now; I refuse to give that man excuse to stray!). Suffice to say, it was a very jolly evening indeed.
But today, I'm sort of ... aimless (appropriate really, given that that's an anagram of my name). I want to be as sparkly as the frost! I want Marc Bolan to kiss me after a particularly sweaty gig! I want ... to not have to tidy my bedroom, whinge whinge! But as my grandma used to say, "I Want Never Gets!". So, perhaps I'll concentrate on my Random Acts of Kindness project instead of moping around being a bit bleeurgh. Update on the project so far: Yesterday, when coming out of the Co-op, I cracked open a packet of Rich Tea biscuits and gave one to a little dog that was tied up outside the shop. Does that count as a RAoK? The dog ignored the biscuit, so I'm not sure that it does. I think I'll have to try harder with this one ...
1 comment:
Hey Puppy! Is that really a photo of you on this post?
a) Bleeurgh is now officially a real word.
b) When I'm next in the UK, I'm gonna eat pudding at the King's place.
c) Don't get the Marc thang. Try: Roy Wood? Nicer person, too.
d) Don't expect instant karma from a ROoK! You gave the dog the biscuit: job done. He/she had a choice to take it from there.
e) Glad you're over the lurgy! My guess is that it was that virus thing that's been raging around the UK.
f) Lady Liz and I have made our peace.
Now stop lounging and start posting! Laters.
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